Mahadeo, Zalman top Kares Caribbean CrossFit Championship

The top five athletes from the respective male and female categories

The testing events over the two days varied from a 150m swim at the National Aquatic Centre, immediately followed by a two-mile ride on the stationary Echo Bike at the same venue.

Then, there was a three-mile run from the Aquatic Centre to the National Park where they started the squat event.

On Sunday, it was rope climbs, snatches, handstand pushups, toes to bar and deadlifts, chest-to-bar pull-ups, wall balls, burpee over hurdles, sandbag carry, jerks, peg board accents, thrusters, muscle ups, parallel bars, and yolk carry.

In the teen category, Kevin Rameshwar and Oshelle Williams were the ones standing atop the podium.

They walked away with $10,000 cash each and equipment including kettlebells, dumbbells and barbells.

Sponsors for the event were the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, Fitness Express, Assuria Insurance, Builders Lumber Yard, Yellow Mines Hydraulics, DeSinco Trading, Space Gym, Banks DIH Limited, Travelers Sound and Lighting, Lotus Hardware.