Two families homeless after fire destroys Albion home

Two families are left to ponder their next move after fire completely destroyed the house they lived in at Albion, Guava Bush, Corentyne, Berbice.

The News Room understands that a family of six lived in the upper flat while a family of four lived in the bottom flat; together, these families consist of six children, ages one to nine.

Shivani Rakesh, who lived in the upper flat of the concrete and wooden structure with her four children and husband, said she left home with her family to attend a birthday celebration for her father approximately 10 houses away. She said when they left home the family of four was home in the bottom flat and all was well.

It was sometime around midnight that they got the news that the house was on fire and when they arrived, the entire building was already engulfed in flames. Nothing could be saved and they have nowhere to live, Rakesh said. Her children are ages 9, 7, 5 and 4.

Meanwhile, Devindra Punwassie, 32, a cane cutter at the Albion Estate was consumed with tears as he spoke of the unfortunate event. He lived in the bottom flat with his pregnant wife and two children, ages 3 and 1.

He said they were all asleep but he was awakened by the smell of something burning and when he got up he saw fire emanating from his home, he gathered his family and ran out for their safety.

He said he alerted the neighbour and immediate contact was made with the fire service.

The families are hoping that people can assist them in any way possible. Those desirous of doing so can contact them at 6732462/6283203 or 6732536.