Three Great Marriage Questions For Self

I am not a fan of filling out questionnaires, especially when I visit the doctor.  As soon as you think the questions are done here comes the next page of questions.  “Does anyone in your family suffer from diabetes?” “Do you or anyone in your family smoke?”  How about “are you male or female?”  Why do they need to know these things one may ask.  The reality is that there is a real good reason for all these questions as much as we may not like answering all of them.

Every great company hires an auditor to make sure that things are in order or the company will not be successful.  The job of the auditor is to raise questions related to keeping things in order going forward.  They are professionals authorized to verify and review the accuracy of records making sure companies are in compliance.

Many married couples get married and go through their marriage journey without taking stock of the relationship by doing a marriage audit.  There comes a time when every husband and wife must stop and ask self three major questions.  These questions are important as they open a window wide enough for spouses to see the reality of the meaning of marriage and how to navigate through the relationship to have a great marriage.  The goal is to make sure the marriage is in compliance with its purpose through an accurate mindset when it comes to the reason marriage was created by God.  If you are a husband or wife you need to ask yourself these three questions….

Why Did I Get Married

I pose this question quite often to husbands and wives.  So many different answers and different reasons.  It is so interesting to hear each having their own purpose for getting married.  There is a specific purpose for marriage which is not usually a part of the answers I received.  Until married couples realize the real purpose for marriage, marriage relationships will just remain more of a name than what it was really created for.  Marriage was created with a unique purpose which many couples miss.  This purpose is what will give for a great marriage when embraced by every married couple.  This purpose leads to all the other great reasons for getting married.  This purpose, when realized, accepted and lived out in marriage, will give for some of the greatest marriages on earth.  This purpose is to GLORIFY THE ONE WHO CREATED MARRIAGE.

Why Did God Create Marriage

Everything God creates is to bring praise and glory to Him.  Marriage was created by God and when married couples accept the reality that it is to bring Him glory, they will live this out in their marriage relationships.  The key is to understand that it is in living it out that all the other great desires for getting married can be experienced.  Loving God by loving your spouse brings joy, peace and harmony to the marriage relationship.  Does your reason for getting married line up with God’s purpose for creating marriage?  If not, this is a great time to do a marriage audit by asking yourself the greatest question, “IS MY MARRIAGE REFLECTING THE IMAGE OF CHRIST?”

Does a Trouble Free Marriage Exist

One of the most popular misleading phrases we all know, “happily ever after” is the greatest myth every married couple must avoid believing.  No marriage relationship can ever exist without problems.  If there was such a relationship then God’s word would be a lie.  “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” John 16:33.  The one who created marriage tells us that we, not may, but will have trouble in the world and your marriage relationship is included The reality is that God himself allows the trouble in your marriage relationship so you can both come to Him to get peace in that troublesome season.  If you are experiencing a trial in your relationship with your spouse do not think you are alone.  Every marriage relationship experience these trials.  The great thing is every husband and wife can grow from the trials and get closer to each other to have an even more beautiful relationship, but only when they stick together through the hard times and not give up.  God is with you both.  He created your marriage.

Michelle and I can testify to the truth behind these questions.  We are praying that each married couple reading this article with stop and ask themselves these questions.  Then strive as much as possible to reflect Christ by showing real love to each other to experience the greatest marriage relationship that God wants you to have as you grow closer to Him and each other along your marriage journey.  Huddle up and enjoy what God has created for His glory.

About The Author

Carim Hyatt

Carim Hyatt was born and raised partially in Jamaica, West Indies.  He is one of seven children from the Hyatt family and has grown into a great man of God.  Carim had the luxury of seeing his grandparents model a Christian family life while portraying a marriage in God’s image.  Carim had his mother in his life also and learned a great deal about values and wisdom.

Carim’s passion is marriage and family. He and his wife Michelle, are hosts of MARRIAGE IN A MINUTE, a radio talk show reaching all over the world.   He has authored two books, The importance of Salvation and Staying Married Becoming One Flesh.   His journey has taken him from Insurance adjuster to minister through writing and public speaking.  Carim leads men’s ministries, married couples lifegroups, praise and worship along with many other areas of ministry as God has led him.  Carim and his beautiful wife Michelle have appeared on Television programs , namely TBN, speaking about marriage and family.  He is a great motivator, mentor and loves the Lord with all his heart.  His passion is to see every marriage go the long haul while being molded into God’s image

Join Carim on this great journey as He reaches the unsaved for Christ while continuing to encourage marriages and families.

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