Guyana wants her citizens back – BVI’s Deputy Premier tells Islanders

Smith, who was joined at the press conference by Junior Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Dr. Carl Dawson, provided an overall update on the success of the trip to Georgetown.

She dubbed it a trip that “reinforced relations with one of the leading and largest member of CARICOM,” as she brushed aside questions like: “Why Guyana? Why now?”

Dr. Dawson said there are many lessons to be learnt from Guyana on its agricultural ambition and work that has borne fruit for the entire region.

The BVI and Guyana are to jointly address, however, the high cost of shipping which has affected the price for commodities imported from Guyana for resale in the BVI such as sugar and sand.

He was particularly impressed with the use of shade houses by Guyanese farmers to boost productivity and the modern system used by authorities to track farmers across the country.

The BVI is currently discussing establishing a permanent presence in Guyana to ensure and continued and mutually beneficial relationship.

Another visit will occasion soon to address other issues like air and sea transport, bilateral trade and long-term support for the oil and non-oil sectors.