‘Youman Nabi celebrations help to foster national harmony’ – ERC
See below full statement from the Ethnic Relations Commission:
The Ethnic Relations Commission, (ERC), extends greetings to all Guyanese, particularly our Muslim brothers and sisters in observance of Youman Nabi; the birth anniversary of Islam’s Holy Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH).
Observed as a National Holiday in Guyana, Youman Nabi brings reflection on the exemplary life and inspirational teachings of Prophet Muhammad, (PBUH).
Teachings such as truth, righteousness, unity, and forbearance are in consonance with the values needed for the promulgation of understanding and tolerance. Both are essential ingredients in the realization of national harmony, which is integral to the work of the Commission.
It is for this reason that the ERC extols the preservation of Guyana’s religious diversity and the significance of holidays such as Youman Nabi, which inculcate and proliferate the messages of oneness, respect, peace, and trustworthiness.
In the words of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, (PBUH) “None of you will be a believer until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.” As Guyanese, the best way we can defend Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is to behave like him.
The ERC urges reflection by all Guyanese on the significance of Youman Nabi.