Bar Association calls attention to ‘attempts to erode legal professional privilege’

President of the Guyana Bar Association Pauline Chase

Notwithstanding, the Bar Association Head believes there are inarguably positive changes to come and said the advancement in technology has made and will continue to make for greater efficiency and ease.

However, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is another threat that Chase said should not be ignored.

“It threatens our very existence as a profession. And while many of us may have thought that this not a problem we would have to face in our lifetime…the speed of development of this technology makes it a very real present day reality.”

And so, in preparing to meet the future as a sector, Chase urged the Attorney General, Anil Nandlall to support through legislation, giving statutory effect and protection to the Guyana Bar Association.

“We cannot as a Bar continue to be the generators of the money in this sector and have no say…to its spending or policies created therefrom which touch and affect us. And while we do currently have a seat at the table through the courtesies of the Chancellor and Chief Justice, the one constant in life is change, we do not know who and what the future holds and we cannot be left at the mercy of courtesies.”