Businessman plans to rebuild after suffering almost $1B in losses from fire

Still reeling from almost $1 billion in losses after a fire destroyed his business, the owner of White Boy’s Auto Spares and bond, Mohammed Ali, is determined to move forward and rebuild his company.

“…This hay is bare pressure…I have to rebuild…I waiting for the investigation to finish and I will start,” Mohammed Ali, the owner told the News Room on Thursday.

The building housed one of the two branches for the business. It included an office area and stored a variety of spare parts for all types of vehicles.

White Boy’s Auto Spares is a major distributor of vehicle parts on the East Coast of Demerara.

Ali said the majority of the products were stored in the building that was destroyed.

“…It affect me a lot because this is one of my main branch…I have another on the road top (Annandale public road) but most of my stuff was here,” he told the News Room.

The fire started just about 00:11 hrs on August 6. At the time, Ali said he was overseas.

“I just get a phone call. They video call me saying my building is on fire,” he said.

Asked for an update on the probe during an interview with the News Room on Thursday, Fire Chief (ag) Gregory Wickham said investigators are yet to determine the cause of the fire.