Diverse 20-member Constitution Reform Commission appointed

In August 2022, the Constitution Reform Commission Bill, which seeks the establishment of a Constitution Reform Commission to review the country’s supreme laws, was passed.

Following the passage of the Bill, monies were budgeted in 2023 for constitutional reform plans and a building was rented and furnished for the Commission.

In January 2024, the Parliamentary Committee of Supply approved more funds for this purpose.

According to the Constitution Reform Commission Act, members of the Commission shall be appointed by the President and will include five members of the PPP/C, four members of the APNU+AFC, one member each from the ANUG, the Guyana Bar Association, the Labour Movement, the National Toshao’s Council, the private sector, representatives of women organisations, youth organisations, Christian, Hindu and Muslim organisations, as well as nominee representing farmers.

Details of the Bill state that the commission will review the constitution to provide for the current and future rights, duties, liabilities, and obligations of the Guyanese people.

It is mandated for that purpose to receive, consider and evaluate submissions for the alteration of the constitution, and report its recommendations to the standing committee for transmission to the national assembly.

In conducting the review, the commission will consider the full protection of the fundamental rights of and freedom of Guyanese under law, the rights of indigenous people of Guyana, the rights of children, eliminating discrimination in all forms, improving ethnic relations while promoting ethnic security and equal opportunity.

The commission will also, among other things, implement reforms relating to elections and the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), taking into consideration its composition, method of electing its chairman and members and its jurisdiction over national registration and electoral process.

Government’s model for constitutional reform is laid out in its 2020-2025 manifesto, and promotes the inclusion of all Guyanese in the review process.

The Constitution of Guyana is the highest governing document in Guyana. It came into effect on October 6, 1980, replacing the constitution enacted in 1966 upon its independence from the United Kingdom. Guyana’s Constitution was last amended on August 3, 2000

Those members appointed on Wednesday are:


Justice Carl Ashok Singh


PPP Members:

Mohabir Anil Nandlall, SC

Gail Teixeira

Frank Christopher Stanislaus Anthony

Pauline Campbell-Sukhai

Kwame Warren McCoy


APNU/AFC Members:

Vincent Luther Alexander

Sherwood Lowe

Gansh Adjtya Mahipaul

Nigel Hughes


The Labour Movement:

Aslim Iqubal Singh


The National Toshao’s Council:

Derrick Rowan John


The Private Sector:

Ramesh Anand Persaud


Women Organisations:

Joycelin Kim Kyte-Thomas


Youth Organisations:

Daniel Josh Kanhai


Christian Organisations

Keoma Denzil Griffith


Muslim Organisations:

Imran Ally


Hindu Organisations:

Radha Krishna Sharma



Adrian V. Anamayah


Coalition of political parties:

Timothy Jonas

Bar Association:

Kamal Ramkarran


Three members – Griffith, Ramkarran and Jonas – are out of the country and will be sworn in at a later date