NGSA 2024: Maths, English & Social-Studies scores up

Children’s performances in Mathematics, English and Social Studies at the 2024 National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) improved this year.

This was announced on Thursday by Dr. Nicole Manning, the Director of Operations (Examinations Services) at the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC).

This regional body has worked alongside Guyana’s Ministry of Education for the NGSA.

Dr. Manning. However, noted that science scores dipped slightly, even as the average science grade remained relatively the same.

English pass rates moved to 66.79 per cent from 64.47 per cent last year; Social Studies moved from 58.57 per cent last year to 62.88 per cent this year and Mathematics moved from 38.87 per cent last year to 40.36 per cent this year.

Importantly, Dr. Manning said the region must welcome improved mathematics scores.

“This is important for not only Guyana but for CXC,” she said, noting that these improved scores are the highest mathematics pass rates recorded over the past five years.

In 2021, the mathematics pass rate was 36.5 per cent; in 2022, it was 34.72 per cent; and last year, 38.87 per cent.